Erään rattijuopumuksen sosiaalinen rekonstruktio: tekijälähtöinen dokumentaarisuuskäsitys narratiivisena vapautumisena

(eng. Socially Reconstructing a Hit-and-Run: A Maker-Centric Documentary Definition as Narrative Liberation)

Essay contribution in the collection Likainen valokuva: kirjoituksia post-dokumentaarisuudest 

(eng. The Muddled Photograph: On Post-Documentary Photography)

Edited by Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger & Harri Pälviranta

Texts by Henri Airo, Harri Pälviranta and Silla Simone

Co-Published by LAB University of Applied Sciences, The Finnish Museum of Photography and UTU Press

December 2023
ISBN 978-951-827-468-4

The text is based on my BA thesis After the Index: Post-Documentary Perspectives on the Production of Truth (2021)

PDF download (text in finnish)

Muistiinpanoja koneista, eli kuka tekee valokuvan?

(eng. Notes on Apparatuses, or Who Makes a Photograph?)

Essay in Sumu #4, a Finnish periodical on photography and art

January 2024

Curatorial text for Utopias Lahti 2023

Festival catalog published by The Lahti Association of Photographic Artists

May 2023

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